December 28th 2016 – Musings

The writing challenge is over, but because I did enjoy the writing, I have decided to continue the Wendy Diaries.  I will most likely not post every day, but I will continue to share posts here on a regular basis.

It was a very interesting experience to participate in the challenge to come up with something creative and interesting to write each day, but it is not something I could maintain for any length of time, my life is just not that interesting!   However, it is good for one’s soul to think about sharing something with others, hopefully with the aim of inspiring, amusing or informing.  To begin with you have to imagine an audience, that is, to whom I am addressing my remarks?  Then you have to begin to think about what might interest that audience.  Are they younger than oneself or older, or peers?  If they are younger, what can I find in common with them?  What can I write that might inspire a younger person, or ignite their curiosity or creativity?   If they are older, can I write something that is uplifting, encouraging AND inspiring to them?   If they are my peers, what can I write that might encourage or at the very least, get them thinking?

Of course, one can always shock, write something that is totally out of character, or totally “left field”and really shock ALL my readers, but is there anything really worthwhile in that?  Any idiot can come up with something shocking!  That’s easy!  But to come up with something challenging, or inspirational,  to all age groups and all genders,  is indeed a daily challenge, if one sets that as a goal.

As 2016 draws to a close, I would like to think that at least one thing I have written, or will write will encourage, delight, amuse or inspire just ONE person who reads my blog!  Is that being egotistical?  It is presumptuous of me to assume that anyone is reading my blog, let alone that it may be having any effect on a reader?

A friend recently took a photograph and posted it online.  The photograph was a black and white of a bunch of flowers on a dresser,  the emotions that image triggered in me were amazing.  The image provoked sadness and a sense of loss, so much so that I could not look at the imagine without tears forming, unbidden, in my eyes.   How clever of a photographer to create such an image?  To create something that others could look at, and experience a series of emotions, not the same for each viewer.  Is that what photography is all about?  The emotions inspired in the observer?   Perhaps writing is the same, the ability to inspire a feeling, an emotion, in a reader, different for each who read the words, based on their own experiences and life situation?

Such is the challenge of writing a blog!








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