Not my Original – but funny

I am trying to make friends outside of Facebook while applying the same principles. Therefore, every day I walk down the street and tell passersby what I have eaten, how I feel at the moment, what I have done the night before, what I will do later, and with whom.

I give them pictures of my family, my dog, and of me gardening, taking things apart in the garage, watering the lawn, standing in front of landmarks, driving around town, having lunch, and doing what anybody and everybody does every day.

I also listen to their conversations, give them the “thumbs up” and tell them I like them.

And it works just like Facebook! I already have four people following me: two police officers, a private investigator, and a psychiatrist.


A Cat’s Diary – Day 6


5:00 pm – after spending a lazy day hunting in the garden and sleeping in the sunshine, I wander back towards the house, noting my Master and Mistress standing near the door.  “Are you coming in?”  the Master inquires.    Well yes, I suppose I could come inside now, I haven’t had anything to eat for a little while, so some food and a nice cool drink would be nice, so I drift toward the now open door.

But wait, what was that?  Oh!  It’s just a leaf blowing along the path, nothing to worry about, but I sit down to think about that, and to clean my left front paw, testing to see how long my Master will stand there, holding the door open, waiting for me.

“One”  he begins,  “two, three”   he is beginning to loose patience and the door is being closed “four”,  I stand up and begin again to move toward the door.  He stops counting and waits for me,  I sit down again, this time to clean my right front paw.  “Five” he says loudly.  I finish cleaning my paw and make a dash for the door, just as it closes.  “Meow” I tell him, as he moves off muttering under his breath.

What about my food???  You need to take me to eat!!  You ALWAYS take me to the dish to share my food!  You scratch my back while I eat, I CANNOT eat until you do this!

But alas, he moves away towards his desk! This will not do at all!  I follow and sit some distance from my Master, who is now absorbed in thought and not paying attention to me at all.  “Meow”  I say softly.  He ignores me.  “Meow” I say again, louder.  He still ignores me.  I get up and rub against his legs hoping this might attract his attention.  It doesn’t!  “Meeooowww”  I say, much more emphatically now.    “Oh for heaven’s sake” my Master roars!  “What do you want now?”

Well I mean to say! Isn’t it obvious? Even to a human?  I want you to come with me to the food, I want you to stand there, stroking my back while I eat, and I want you to know that I will stop eating the *instant you stop stroking my back!  Why don’t humans understand that a cat must be in control at all times?!

We complete this routine to my satisfaction, and I begin to think about have a snooze in my chair when out of the corner of my eye I notice something of extreme concern.   My carry box is sitting there near the door!   Now, this means one of two things.  Either I am going to the Vet – a fate I consider somewhat inevitable but also, though unpleasant, not life threatening.  The second option is that I am going to that other place where my humans leave me for no reason at all.   I believe it is called a “Cattery” although I cannot imagine why!  All I hear the entire time I am forced to spend there, is barking dogs!  Of course, last time I was there, there was a very nice male cat who visited my door on a regular basis.    I sit down to contemplate him and try to recall his name.  Fabulous long black fur, as I mistily recall,  (my fur is short) with a single white paw, and a white tip, right at the top of his rather magnificent tail!  Hmm, now what was his name?

My reminiscing is rudely interrupted as I am picked up.  This is something I have never been able to make my humans understand. I HATE being picked up!  I am TERRIFIED when you pick me up!  WHY do you pick me up?  It only means bad things for me!  Resigning myself to the inevitability of my situation, at the last moment I realise that I am being carried toward my carry box.  Desperately I try to avoid being unceremoniously deposited in this contraption,  I spread out four paw, bracing myself against the opening in a vain attempt at refusal.  Alas! My Mistress is wise to this move, and simply gathers my paws together and “posts” me into the box, with not a single thought for my dignity!  “Meow” I protest, but the door is shut and I am inside.

Well now, nothing to do but wait and see which of the places I am going to be taken to. Of course, the Cattery is the best choice between the two, since that nice black cat might be there also, but I have no choice now but to wait and see. I begin again thinking of his wonderfully thick and smooth fur, and that tail! How I wish …… Suddenly the carry box is lifted up and I’m being carried outside and towards the car. “Meow”  I say ineffectually, for I know they will ignore me.  My Mistresses face appears in my line of vision   “Sorry Puss” she says – she is not of course in any way sorry!  “You’re going to spend some time with Dale and Bernie, they’ll look after you and you will be safe while we’re away”  She tries to stroke my nose through the bars of the carry box, but I move away disdainfully.

She places me in the car, another thing I have not been able to make them understand that I am terrified of!  Nothing has actually ever hurt me in the car, it’s just the noise and movement and I generally cannot see anything from my so-called “safety” in my carry box.

6:00pm – We arrive at the Cattery.  I know this because I can hear the dogs barking long before I am taken out of the car.   As my box is lifted out of the car, I can smell another cat.  It’s a male I can tell.  “Meow” I say to my Mistress, trying to alert her to the presence of a potential danger.  She ignores me, opens the door and carries me inside.   The humans talk while I cower in my box.  I can still smell that male cat somewhere nearby, although I cannot see him. I found out later, he lives there and was under the front steps, which is his favorite place.

Again my box is lifted and I am carried again.  Strange hands reach into my box and attempt to lift me out of my relative safety.  Oh no!  I’m not leaving here that easily!  I hiss, glaring angrily at my humans!  Ohhhhh!!!! Suddenly I am sliding forward, my box has been lifted up and I am being forced out! Desperately I look for a landing point, and find that straight in front of me there is a little opening, and into that I grateful, although not elegantly, go, retreating out of sight of the humans until I can assess my situation.  It’s warm in here, and there is a lovely blanket, all fluffy and clean. Perhaps this will not be so bad after all.

My Master and Mistress are standing now, on the other side of the bars that separate us.  “Be good Puss”  the Mistress instructs.  “We won’t be gone long” my Master assures me, and tweaks my ears, through the bars.   I “meow” to him, to let him know I understand.  I cannot help myself when he tweaks my ears like that!   I snuggle back into my new found ‘home” and watch my humans leave.

When they are out of sight, I look around.  From my vantage point, I can see into the main part of the Cattery – seems like there is only one other there.  I look behind me and I can see outside through the window.  I can still hear the dogs barking, but I cannot tell where they are, and I cannot see them, so I assume that they don’t know where I am and can’t see me either, so I discount them as being any risk, at least for the moment.

I venture out into my cage, sniffing around the boundaries of my new space.  There is drinking water there, a dish of food (not my usual fare, but I suppose it will do) and a litter tray in the corner.  It could be worse.  It’s not home, but it will do for now, but I don’t want to stay here too long.

“Meow – who are you?”  I hear from beside me somewhere, but hidden from view.  I stand up on my hind legs to see if I can locate my inquirer, and discover that she is in the cage beside me.  “Meow – I’m Jinxy, who are you?” I return.   We chat on for a little while, getting acquainted.  She is Milly, a very pretty white and grey cat, she tells me she is a Birman (whatever that is! Me I’m just a garden variety cat!)

Our conversation is rudely interrupted “Meow, would you females please shut up”  and as I turn to see who this uncouth animal may be, I see to my utter delight, it is my black friend from last time. He is truly magnificent as he sits there atop an amazingly high scratching pole in the center of the room, his magical green eyes contemplating us.
“Meow” I say ” Do you remember me?”   He stands up, stretching luxuriously, and without hesitation says “Of course, you are Miss Jinxy”  I am deeply flattered! He remembered my name!  Now, wish I could remember his!  An awkward moment of silence as we stare at each other across the space between us (two wire walls and a concrete walk way!)

At the last possible moment, his name pops into my mind  “and you”  I say triumphantly   ” are Leo”    He turns his green eyes on me and laughs out loud.   That can’t be good!

“Well nearly Miss Jinxy”  he says through his laughter  “my name is actually Neo, but you almost had it right”   He curls his superb white tipped tail around his paws and settles himself comfortably on the cushion at the top of the scratch pole from where he can see everything that happens.

Mortified, I retreat!  “Stupid”  I mutter to myself, totally humiliated! He remembered my name and I got his name wrong.  Milly giggles from the cage next to mine. “That didn’t go as planned now did it?”  she says accompanied by gales of laughter!

Amidst my humiliation, and Milly’s amusement, Dale enters with food, a welcome relief! We each turn to the business of eating, and just as we finish,  Dale returns, checking our trays and water bowls and bidding us a good night, she retreats up the stairs and turns the lights out.

I curl up in my new bed, trying to forget the laughter from Milly and the look in Neo’s eyes!  Oh well, tomorrow is another day!   I curl my paws over my face and snuggle into the warmth and in no time at all I am fast asleep.


A Cat’s Diary – Day 5


10:00 am :     Really!!  I am confused and perplexed!  Humans can be so very dense sometimes!

So today, they get up from their beds, grumpy as usual, and allow me to go outside for my usual morning rounds.  But, when I come back, after visiting Clarence, (who was not yet out of bed, I could see him in his house, snuggled up tight in his bed, all unaware that it was morning!) and of course, doing my usual route down to the lake, and home via the garden of the neighbour,  I cross the road and bound up the front steps of my garden and return to the door to be let back in to have my morning snack, they are obviously preparing to go out!

Now I know when the mistress brings her handbag and puts it on the bench, that this signals an outing.  I also know that when this outing is about to happen, I will be confined to quarters.

I try to make a dash for the back door,  in vain trying to dodge around the Master’s legs!  Horrors!! I know this means an extended stay inside the house, and I know that there is a new family of mice just down the path, which I am sure if I am patient and quiet, I could catch at least one of them to share!   “Back it up Miss Jinxy”  my Mistress admonishes me (she’s not really my mistress of course, everyone knows that cats own people!) “Meow”  I state emphatically, but I know it’s in vain, she won’t let me out now!  I turn my back on my humans – with what I fervently hope is seen as distain, and make my way back to the comfort of my chair.

The Master opens the side door, and I momentarily see an escape route.  A route that is quickly anticipated by the Mistress and thwarted! “I told you Miss, you’re staying inside safe and sound until we come home”

I resign myself to my fate!  They will go out and have fun, and I will spend a boring day locked in the house.

I resume my place in my chair – of course, the Master imagines that this is *his chair, but I know full well if he sits in this chair, I need only to sit at his feet and stare at him and he will move to the less comfortable chair in the corner.  It works every time!  It even works when he does sit in the chair in the corner.  If I sit and stare for long enough, with the occasional plaintive “meow”  he will move from this chair to the other!  Humans are so predictable.  I have even found that when he sits at his desk, in that funny shaped chair which I cannot imagine would be comfortable, if I sit and stare at him when he sits there, eventually he will also move from this one.  But I have noticed that he can get quite grumpy if forced to leave this position, so I only do this very infrequently, I don’t want him to get the idea that I am only proving a point when I make him move from this chair.

It is confusing however, when I try this same method on the Mistress.  There must be some different magic involved here  that I do not know about.   No matter how long I sit and stare at the mistress in her chair, or how pitifully I meow, or how much “cute cat” routine I employ, *she won’t move!   She stubbornly refuses to leave her chair.  She just sits there knitting and smiling!  So very perplexing and not a little annoying!  I do believe that the Mistress imagines she is the Alpha female in this relationship!

So, they are gone!  I watch them drive away from my vantage point atop my scratching pole.   It is a nice vantage point this one – high enough here at the window so I can survey my territory, at least on this side of the house, it is of course, unfortunate that I cannot do anything about what I see happening in said territory!

Oh well!  I suppose I might as well sleep, there seems little else to do! Of course, I plot my revenge for this indignity, as I curl comfortably in the chair.  I would never let my humans know, but I am really quite grateful for this chair and that my blanket is always  draped comfortably over it for me.  I know that while they are away, I am safe, warm, comfortable, there is food just there in my bowl, and lovely fresh water in two places to choose from!  When they return I will be suitably unimpressed by their “cruelty” – but in reality I don’t mind a bit spending the day curled up here in the comfort and safety of the house.   The dog is outside, and cannot do me any harm here.  He has his kennel, but of course, does not deserve to be inside as I do!

I curl up tightly, warm and comfortable, to dream the afternoon away!   We cats have such a hard life!


The Cat’s Diary – Day 4

3:00 pm: I am hiding! You won’t see me, I’m here in the shadows of this little bush and I am invisible! Ah! Here comes Clarence, stalking across my yard. Now for some fun! I remain motionless, silent. He is not aware of my presence. I wait until he is almost to my bush, and while his back is turned, I spring out from the shadows and tackle him full on. Clarence shrieks in protest and immediately rolls onto his back as I knew he would, this being a basic defence move! He sees that it is only me, and his hackles go down and he snarls angrily at me. “What are you playing at?” he snaps! “Meow” I reply, trying to placate him. “I’m sorry, you know I can never resist the opportunity to play”

Clarence sits down and begins to groom his magnificient golden fur, “Well you need to grow up” he informs me! “But Clarence” I wail in protest! What is life if we don’t have some fun?” “Life” begins Clarence (of course he is older than me!) and gets that far away look in his lovely golden eyes (mine are just yellow, not golden like his) “ Is about finding our food, finding our humans and making sure our humans understand what it is we need at any given moment of the day or night. It is in training our humans to understand what we want, and to give us what we want, when we want it, and without delay” “Oh I suppose you are right Clarence” I concede, though I don’t really believe him. I think we have to play and have fun!

At that moment a small mouse appears near us in the grass. Without a word, Clarence has sprung forward and caught it, faster than I could have even thought of. He is a tiger! He holds the mouse in his paws and laughing, tosses the mouse to me. I catch it deftly with my right claw, and toss it back to him. He misses it, and the mouse scuttles away, disappearing into the leaves under the tree. We search, but we cannot find the scent nor the mouse. We give up, and stretch out in the sunshine.

“Clarence” I inquire innocently “did you just play with the mouse?” Clarence lazily cleans an elegant paw, “Of course not” he scoffs “that was teaching you to have quick reflexes to catch” “Oh” I reply, regarding him sceptically. Again I don’t believe him!

We snooze comfortably in the afternoon sunshine, content in each other’s company.

Through a sleepy haze, I hear the back door of my house open, the Master appears “Puss, puss, where are you? Time to come inside” Inside? Really? Not likely! I’m not coming inside yet, the sun is still so warm, and Clarence is here – oh, well he was here, seems he has vanished at the sound of the Master’s voice (Clarence says the Master sprayed him with water one day, so he doesn’t stay around when the humans are around) Anyway, I’m not going inside yet! The Master is approaching, and I know he is going to try to catch me to take me inside. I wait, making him believe I will allow him to pick me up, but as he leans down to catch me, I am up and away, feigning a run toward the house, then veering off and over the drain pipe to the neighbours yard before he can catch me. “Stupid cat” he mutters and goes back into the house.

I climb back onto the top of the fence, just here near the trees so that I am hidden from sight, but where I can see what’s happening in both yards. Charles, the small dog in the yard next door, is going absolutely crazy, barking and yelping, protesting that I am sitting on HIS fence! I turn my back on him and ignore his protests, everyone knows cats own fences. Dogs can’t even sit on the fence!

6:00 pm: The sun has gone, it’s getting cold and dark. What’s that in the trees? Such a noise! I think it is what the Master says is “wind” but I don’t like it, I can’t see it and I don’t know where it comes from or where it goes, but it chases me all the way back to the house.

I stand at the side door, “Meow” I say plaintively “I want to come inside now” but there is no movement in the house. No human comes at my command to let me back in. I wait a little longer, meowing, hoping they will hear me and let me in. Nothing! I scuttle around to the kitchen door, “Meow” I say loudly “Where are you? I need to come in now” No response. I carefully make my way around the verandah to the other door. All is dark inside, no movement, no lights, no humans to let me in. “Meow” I say to myself! I carefully make my way back to the first door, and curling up on the mat, I wait for my humans to obey me.

7:00 pm: I am still shivering on the mat at the back door. No human has obeyed my voice, and it’s now raining and cold, and I am frightened and cold. “Meow” I announce to the darkness.

8:00 pm: Now I am very upset! It is very dark, very cold, and I am not only cold, but hungry too! Do my humans not love me anymore? Have they forgotten that I need to eat every hour? Have they forgotten me? Oh!!! Maybe I have been abandoned! I heard from another cat who was travelling through our neighbourhood, that he had been “abandoned” and had to find his own food and his own place to sleep, no human slaves to take care of him. I was horrified at this prospect. I have no idea how to take care of myself, my humans have always fed and looked after me, at my command! I don’t know where the food is, and I only know one place to sleep for the night! What will I do if I cannot go home?

8:15 pm: Wait! There are lights, and the sound of the humans car! My Mistress approaches, “Oh, poor puss, you got stuck outside, didn’t you? You should learn to come in when we say” I am so cold and frightened, I don’t have the heart to argue with her, I stand at the door, waiting for her to open the door so I can go in to the warm room “Hurry up” . Finally, the door slides open, I charge in, full pelt into the house, across the hall and under the human’s bed, just to be sure that no one puts me outside again!

I hear the door slide shut and the lock pushed into place, so I know I am finally safe. I creep out from under the bed and make my way to the kitchen, the Mistress has just put down a whole big bowl of lovely fresh food for me! I am so grateful I forget to demand it be warmed first, and I forget myself sufficiently to smoodge against her legs in thanks. She strokes my head, and scratches under my chin “You’re a nice little cat sometimes aren’t you” she says.

Content with the world at last, I find refuge in my Master’s chair.

A Cat’s Diary – Day 3

A Cat’s Diary – Day 3


2:30 pm:  I am asleep.  I am curled up in the Master’s chair, warm and safe. I have nothing to worry about, I have nothing I need to do right now.

CRASH!  What in the world was that? I am awake, hackles up, standing poised for flight from my warm bed!

There are lights! Flashing! Noise ! I am terrified.  I leap from the chair, and find refuge under the stairs.  I cower there, wondering where the humans are, and why they are not doing something about this new event!  Do they not hear it?  Do they not realise the danger?

My Master can be heard upstairs “Hey Puss, where are you?  It’s OK, just a passing storm” OK? Seriously?  Can he not feel the electricity in the air? My fur is standing on end! My ears are deafened by the noise of what the humans call “thunder” and what they call “lightning” is truly terrifying! I cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes!

I refuse to come out from under the stairs, I don’t care how much the Master says it’s “OK”

Terrified I retreat further back under the stairs. But, wait – what is that? Right there! In the very corner! What has invaded my safe place?  Already in a heightened state of panic, I am further traumatised and meow loudly for my Master or Mistress to come to my aid

But what do I get?  The stupid dog appears, snarling and snapping – and then standing right in front of me – barking so loudly I cannot stand it!   Too much for a cat to bear!  I launch myself at the dog, hissing and spitting and my claws leave a large cut across his nose.  He yelps in pain.  “Your own fault you silly thing”  I say as I scuttle past him and make for the relative safety of the human’s bedroom, trying as I do so, to remember what name the humans call this creature.  It escapes my memory, and I don’t try too hard to recall it!

I slink under the bed – it’s dusty under here, but seems to be safe enough for the moment.  I locate a treat I left here yesterday – a bird I caught in the garden.    I carefully dissect the body of the bird, feathers are not my favourite thing, they do tend to get everywhere and get stuck in one’s mouth, but there is some choice meat too.   I forget my panic in the enjoyment of this treat, and ensure that I leave enough for my Master and Mistress to enjoy too. I place it carefully by the side of their bed so they will not miss it.

The noise appears to have abated, and I return to the loungeroom to see what my humans are doing now.  The Master is asleep in his chair.  I sit watching him, calculating if it’s safe to join him for a snooze.



“Meow” I ask tentatively.  No response.   I stretch on the chair and then jump up beside my Master’s sleeping body.  He stirs and looks at me.   “Hello” he says “want to snuggle here?”  I look sympathetically at him “No! I want to sleep in this chair. I know it’s not where I have been sleeping all week, but NOW I want to sleep HERE.  Not WITH you – I want you to move”  Annoyingly he does not move out of the chair I have chosen, he merely moves a little so there is room for me to share with him. Share? Me? Does he not know I am a cat?  I don’t share!!   Oh well, make the best of the situation I always say.  I snuggle down, subtly pressing against him in the vain hope that he may get the message and move out of the chair.  Alas! He does not!  I curl and endeavor to sleep, not easy to do when being squeezed out of the chair!

Finally I drift off to sleep, and in my dreams, I’m catching a very large and juicy rat.  It puts up a good fight, but I win (of course) and bring home my catch to share.   Just as I am about to present this new treat to my humans, the world is moving!  I am pushed unceremoniously off  the chair, and land on the floor with no grace or style at all.  Quickly  I regain my composure, and stalk off as though it was what I intended to do all along!  Really! Cannot trust anyone or anything!  I just wanted a place to sleep the afternoon away.

5:00pm:  What is that smell?  My nose is twitching and I am hot on the trail of the odour.  I locate the source of the delicious aroma – the Mistress is cooking chicken, my most favourite meal of all time.   I enter the kitchen, and wrap myself around her legs, purring with delight.   She, however, is not delighted!  Instead she inexplicably gets herself all tangled up, and falls over me, bumping her head on the bench and falling in a heap on the floor.  Well!! Really!!!  Who’s going to cook my chicken now, if she’s just going to lie there on the floor, moaning and groaning!   I stalk away, in search of the Master, maybe he will cook the chicken for me (I don’t like it raw, it must be roasted of course!)

Just as I exit the kitchen, and proceed with due dignity along the hallway, my Master comes rushing out of the loungeroom, and falls flat on his back right over me!  MEEE OOO WWW!!! I wail! What is the matter with my humans today?

My master is now lying on the floor moaning and groaning also!  I just do not understand what is happening, and who is going to cook my chicken now!!

But, hold on, he’s rolled over and is getting to his knees.  “Meow” I inquire.  “Get out of my sight cat” he hisses at me, with all the vengeance of a tom cat!    I am so upset at this treatment, I cannot even meow!  I turn my back on him, haughty as I march away, not even looking back at him or giving him any recognition at all.   But I hear him get to his feet, so I know my chicken will be cooked now!

Triumphant, I exit my cat door into the back garden, assured that all will be well and I will have some of that delicious smelling chicken tonight!