Trip to Dinner Plains Alpine area–March 31 2017

A lovely day for a road trip!  Not hot, not cold, lots of sunshine and clouds skimming across the sky creating light and shadow on the mountains and fields we drove passed.  We were surprised by the amount of traffic we encountered on the road, but no hassles as slower drivers pulled over to allow others past.

The trip up the mountains is pleasant, some scary parts of the road as you get higher, but as long as you’re careful, it’s alright. I love seeing all the houses, nestled amongst their trees scattered among the hills, some neat and tidy with precise gardens, others messy with farm equipment and machinery, but all looking well lived in and inviting. There is something earthy and reassuring about country homes.

The mountains are fabulous – their peaks adorned with gum trees silhouetted against a blue sky with white puffy clouds lazily drifting by.  In the valleys, streams can be seen glistening through the trees, with the occasional glimpse of a rock strewn river bed, as the Tambo winds it way along the side of the road.  Cattle and sheep can be seen in their wonderfully green and lush paddocks, some grazing, others lying down in the shade of the gums, or drinking from the streams.   The trees have not yet begun to turn on their brilliant color display for Autumn, with only a suggestion of color on a few, most are still varying shades of green.




Dinner Plains Alpine area is spectacular, even without any snow.  The photos do not capture the grandeur of the mountains and the depths of the valley’s.  I can only imagine how fantastic it must look blanketed in snow.  The road is winding and steep in parts, but in good condition for the most part, well marked for snow conditions, and quite safe for this time of year, although I would suggest you take it easy, some of those bends are quite sharp with a drop off that you don’t want to think about!!




However, it’s a great day trip within easy reach of Lakes Entrance. We left about 9 and were in Omeo around 11:00, went up to Dinner Plains and then returned for lunch at the Bakery at Omeo, which I can highly recommend.  Service was friendly, a nice smile and a “G’day”  as we came in the door, and our food and coffee served with a smile and a few words.  The whole atmosphere is warm and friendly, and the coffee was excellent. 


The rest of the photos we took for the day are in the Album  “ Dinner Plains Alpine Village and Surrounds – March 2017”  if you would like to see more


Lakes Entrance–March 21, 2017 – A Walk in the Mist


Eerie day in Lakes Entrance today, with a heavy sea mist blanketing much of our area.  We decided to go down to the beach to take some photos.  Heading first of all to Red Bluff Beach, which was almost completed hidden from view from the carpark




You can just make out the waves on the beach!




Very strange feeling standing on the lookout where normally we would be given a fabulous view of the sea, and on a clear day, the Oil Rigs in the distance but today, completely shrouded.

We then went down onto the beach, where the eerie feeling continued, as we were, as far as we could tell, alone on the beach in the mist. Very odd not being able to see the full length of the beach





The cliffs above the beach seemed to almost soar above us,  appearing and disappearing as the mist shifted and changed.







But the beach, as always, provided some photo opportunities, despite the misty conditions.  It was not cold, and no wind, so it was quite pleasant wandering along on the beach.


The tide was low, so we were able to climb around onto Lake Bunga Beach, and I took the opportunity to sit and take some photos of the water on the rocks (one of my favourite subjects!)









And of course, there are always shells and beach debris!










And plenty of other “stuff” to take photos of!  Like this dear little plant struggling to grow on the side of the path



And some things you just see, and have to photograph!


And by the time we got around to Bullock Island it was raining and way too wet to get out of the car, so this is the best I can offer.


Not usually making a political statement!

Just been watching the news and I am stupefied that the Government actually thinks, we, the normal voting public are naive and  stupid.  Either that or THEY are stupid!

We export our gas to China, at a stupendously low price – yet WE pay top dollar. Shouldn’t that be the other way around?   I’m sorry, is that too simple?    According to the Government we are running out of gas, and we will have to make a choice between having gas, or electricity! Really?  How dumb do they think the general public is?  Do they not know that we know full well this is simply a ploy so that they can raise the price of BOTH gas AND electricity, already stupidly high?

These resources belong to US, AUSTRALIA, to the people of Australia, those of us who live here – they should be used for US FIRST – not sent offshore in some long forgotten deal by a failed Prime Minister! 




Is it not the FIRST priority of a Government to look after it’s own people?  WE elected YOU to take care of US FIRST -and any trade deals should be secondary to the good of Australia and Australian citizens.  Is that rocket science?  Are our politicians so stunningly, incredibly, incompetent at even the basics of  good Government?

What are the basics of good financial management?  Don’t spend money you don’t have, budget for what you NEED before what you WANT.  Supply the necessities before the niceties!   Australia is an amazing place, and I would not want to live anywhere else, but I find it absolutely beyond belief, that the so called ” leaders”  of our society, the democratically elected people that WE charge with the business of Government, can be so INCREDIBLY DUMB!

Come on!  Get real!