Wednesday 30th November 2016

Wednesday 30th November — The cat has Asthma

Another day, another story! This time I have a lovely story to share, and is a demonstration of why I love living in a small rural seaside town.

Grab a drink, hot or cold, whichever is your preference and read my story. I’ll keep it relatively short!

In our town, we have many retirees, for various reasons, but one being that the town is not that far from the city (four hour drive) so it’s a “sea change” without moving too far away from family. When we came here, I tried to find a walking group that did not walk at some ridiculous hour of the morning, and could not find anything, so I created “Walking with Friends” Apparently many agreed that walking at the crack of dawn did not go well with the retired lifestyle, and joined me.

For two years, we have walked each week on a Wednesday, sometimes it was too hot, or raining, so we would adjourn to a local cafe for coffee and company instead. The tradition has developed that we walk, then we attend one of the many excellent local eateries for coffee. This has been a great success and many new members have joined us since the beginning.

However, I digress. Today we walked as always, it was a lovely warm, but not too hot, afternoon as I set out for town to meet the group. Short drive, but one I enjoy very much. As I get to the top of the hill, I have a panoramic view of the sea, and part of the Lakes system with the town in the foreground. It never ceases to please me, with it’s variants of color, light and shade. A view in a million!

There was the danger of “Thunder storm asthma” today, but I had forgotten to take my puffer, so I stopped at the local chemist to purchase a spare one. The Chemist, being apparently unaware of what a Ventolin puffer is used for, inquired what I wanted it for!! I looked into his eyes for a split second before replying “the cat has asthma”. Apparently this explanation was satisfactory and he bustled away and returned with a Ventolin puffer! Without comment he handed it to me, and also without comment, I took it! I wonder now, if he was trying to figure out how I got the cat to use the puffer, or did he sense the sarcasm in my voice?

Moving on from there, I could see the ladies of the Walking Group were already assembled at our designated meeting place. As I greeted each of them and we exchanged pleasantries, I was again struck by what a nice feeling it is to belong to a group of diverse, yet connected, people. We are all so different, and yet that’s what makes it so interesting! As we exchange thoughts and ideas, each of us is challenged to revisit our views and perhaps long held opinions, within a safe and accepting environment. There is no “agenda” within the group, we are simply enjoying each other’s company and the stimulation of different views and opinions.

Having decided that all who were joining us today were in attendance we set off. The faster walkers take the lead, and are soon out of sight, the medium walkers are somewhere in the middle and the slower walkers are bringing up the rear. My friend and I are the slower walkers, so we were well behind the main bunch of walkers, when we decided that we would cut through a side street, thereby halving the walking distance, and meet the faster walkers as they converged on the cafe of choice.

This was an excellent plan until my friend tripped and fell, falling heavily on her knees onto the bitumen. To my utmost concern, she announced that she could not get up unaided. I knew I would not be strong enough to lift her alone, and we are, at this point, in a very precarious position, her on all fours on the road, right in the way of traffic coming around the bend! I signal frantically to the oncoming traffic, which, thanks to our local by laws, was only moving slowly. Cars stop and people bail out to see if they can help. One lovely lady offers to call an Ambulance, a gentleman advises my friend to stay sitting in the gutter until she feels better. Another lovely young woman offers to drive us where ever we are going (without asking first WHERE we were going!) My friend says she is not hurt, but cannot arise unaided, so together with the kindly motorists, we lift her carefully onto her feet. She announces that she is fine, thanks everyone for their kindness, but insists on walking on. As we again thank all those who stopped to help, and begin to move away, we realise that her shoe is broken, and she will not be able to walk with it. As I am accustomed to walking bare foot, I give her my slip ons to wear, and we move on.

We were both very grateful for the concern of all those who stopped to help us, and both of us commented on how different that response is, to where we had both previously lived. I recounted to her how I had fallen one day in the street in a busy city area, and how people had simply stepped around me, NOT ONE offering any assistance. I was well dressed, carrying my shopping, in a so called “posh” shopping center, and yet not one person even looked in my fallen direction! How different the response today, with everyone stopping and offering help!

I understand that people don’t want to get involved, of course, you never know what you might be walking into unawares, but isn’t it a sad commentary on our society in general, that a lady can fall in the street, and everyone simply averts their eyes, rather than assist? I’m sure that the lovely people who stopped to help us today, did not think for even a moment, before pulling over and coming to our aid! Did they consider it might be a set up? Did they think “Oh well, they’re probably drunks, or on drugs” It would seem not, what our rescuers saw, was two older ladies in need of some help, and they stopped to offer it! I am very grateful for the caring concern of my fellow citizens in this town!

Whatever the disadvantages of living in a small rural town might be, they are totally outweighed by the generosity, caring and kindness of people living here.

Second post – Tuesday 29th November 2016

OK, so, I posted one post yesterday, and one post today, but I have more to say! Anyone who knows me would not be surprised by that fact!

In town this afternoon for the weekly grocery shop. How I hate it! I have no idea why, but it really annoys me and I find myself grumpy and ill tempered, which is not my usual demeanour at all. There is just something about the atmosphere of the supermarket that I find displeasing. It’s not that people are not friendly, and staff are not pleasant and good at what they do, it’s just me, and it’s something I need to work at. Mostly, at least not during holiday time when we are inundated with tourists who seem to delight in complaining about every little thing, making you wonder why they come here for a holiday in the first place, it is nice to shop in town, people are friendly, the locals stop to chat at every opportunity, and we share a laugh if we have to wait in line for anything. When the tourists are here, it’s an entirely different matter!

Those of us who are blessed to live in this wonderful little town, love it to bits, and would not want to live anywhere else. But people who come here for holidays seem to feel it’s their inalienable right to complain about our supermarkets, the service in our shops and stores, the parking (which admittedly does become a problem when THEY are all here, it’s not normally an issue) and to generally be rude and obnoxious. The question would have to be to them, If things are so awful here WHY ARE YOU HERE??

To the people who come here for your holidays I would say this: We love sharing our town with you, BUT we expect that you would respect the town, the rules both on the road, and on the water, and most of all, those of us who actually live and love in this town. It is not your personal dumping ground for your rubbish, our shops are not there for you to abuse the staff and be generally horrid. Nor are you at liberty to ignore the road and waterway rules.

We love this town, and we are VERY protective of our environment, particularly our waterways, and we expect that you would be mindful that YOU are in OUR town, and WE owe you NOTHING!! Yes we appreciate the influx of your dollars, but not at the cost of our dignity and respect. Our lakes and waterways are a precious resource, one that we guard and nuture, and we are VERY upset when you come here and disrespect our land and waterways. Do you not realise that unless we ALL care for our environment here, there will be NOTHING for you to enjoy when you come here for a holiday! Manners, courtesy and respect ARE still required, even though you are on holidays. WE are not on holidays, we LIVE here. When you come here, you are visiting US, and we expect that you would extend the same manners and courtesy as though you were visiting us in our actual homes.

Wow! Does that sound like I am passionate about our town? You guessed it, I am and it hurts, upsets and annoys me when others show such blatant disrespect for something I love.

Well I guess I found a subject for today’s post!

Tuesday 30th November 2016

Day two of my writing challenge. I’ve been reading some advice from other writers on Medium, and I must say I found their words both inspiring, challenging and scary!

Seems I’ve been making most of the common writing mistakes. Well that’s what the challenge is all about, learning new skills to improve my writing.

Some of the challenge is using a new platform as I’m more accustomed to WordPress and it’s foibles than the more basic format with Medium.

Another change I will need to make, is to use a keyboard for writing instead of a swipe keyboard on my Tablet. This is for two reasons, keyboard typing is faster so the ideas can flow faster, and second it will save me more time in editing so I can concentrate on the wiring rather than correcting typing errors.

So here is my second post but I’m sure there will be another today, I have an idea that I will develop over the course of the day and see how it comes out on paper.

Monday 28th November, 2016

So the challenge begins!  Day one of the challenge to write at least one post per day. The challenge does not allude to what the daily post (or posts) should be about, whether a fictional story, a true story, a discussion, a photo/video story, or any other contribution that readers may find interesting.

Is it wise to avoid things like Religion, Politics and sex?  Or should one take these subjects head on and worry about consequences later?   Perhaps that is a debate for later postings, and I should start with “baby steps” and practice some more before entering into the more “heavy” subjects.

I usually write my best in the small hours of the morning, when the house is quiet, and I am propped up in my bed, unable to sleep, laptop on my knees.  I find this time is best for writing, when there is nothing else to distract me, or perhaps influence what I may write.

I am a little earlier tonight, and the TV is on – and annoyingly – the business of Government with all it’s shouting and yelling and laughing at each other, all the while calling each other “honorable” – it makes me sick!  Oh dear!  Was that a political comment?

Notwithstanding, I am endeavoring to block it out and not scream  “Get on with managing the country instead of sniggering and bickering”  (Opps there I go again, political comment!)

I think this stands as my first attempt.  Baby steps!