Monday 12th December 2016 – Thoughts on Ageing

We all do it, whether we like it or not, we are all ageing.

How we deal with growing older, is largely a matter of choice. We can fight it but we can’t win.  It is simply life, everyone grows older every day.

I am optimistic, life is good, yes there are some things I find difficult now (like sleep!) and maybe I’m not as fit and agile as I once was, but I am making the choice each day, to live in the moment, to enjoy each moment for what it is, not looking forward to something more, and not looking back to something that was.  There is no point in fighting growing older, you make your life miserable, and you make life unpleasant for those around you.  Be brave, grow old in your own way, there is no formula, no right or wrong. There is individuality, embrace it, and do it your way, you’ll only get one chance at it .

Who knows how many more moments we may have, at any age?!  You do not know how many days you have, so I’m going to live my days, as they come, moment by moment, and at the end of the day, be grateful that I had another day in this beautiful place and another day shared with my very best friend in the whole world, the one person who knows me like no other, my husband.  Can we ask more than this?  To enjoy the day with someone we love? Is this not one of life’s most precious treasures? I think so!

I have not had great monetary wealth in this world, but I have had great love, worth far more than riches could ever bring. It is quite true that you can’t buy love, and you can’t do anything to make someone love you, they either do or they don’t . I have been blessed with unconditional love, from the only man I ever truly loved, and with whom I have been privileged to share my life. We have shared the many ups and downs of marriage, and of life, but he has been the rock of my existence, the one person who truly knows me, yet continues to love me, despite it all. What more could a woman want, than the lifelong love of her man?

If I must grow old, and indeed I must, then let it be with grace and good humour. And let me bring grace, love, joy and comfort to those around me, so that when I leave this world, they will say “she lived life to the full, she loved and was loved, I am glad I knew her”





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